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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Smooth and Glowing skin at home in winter

Skin suffers in winter with dry air, and freezing cold rasping wind can result in cracking your skin. When you go out, skin moisture and saturation rapidly eludes into dry air. Most of the people waste their money to buy different kind of ointments, creams and moisturizers, yet most of them result in harming and influencing their skin critically, making it rough and it also results in wasting the money.
In case you require an easy and money saving solution for this problem then simply follow this simple home remedy which only requires two ingredients which are easy to be find any where..
1: Two Tablespoons of Honey
2: One Tablespoon of Lemon juice
Put lemon juice in honey and mix them well after that gently apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for almost 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash you face with Luke water.
Follow this simple home remedy a couple of weeks before going to bed every night and you will see the results yourself.

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